While a large portion of the town and peninsulas population is enjoying dreamy, lazy days at Lake Tahoe, a group of more energetic folk are enjoying their holiday tramping through the High Sierra.
Rudolph Schilling and a quintet of young men including his two sons, August and Michael, as well as Richard Cotchett of this city, Dennis de Bost and William Witter are now on a pack trip. They have taken mules along to carry the equipment, but the party is traveling on foot, visiting several of the Yosemite Sierra camps. They expect to join Mrs. Schilling who is awaiting their return at the Ahwahnee on August 15.
Mrs. Vincent K. Butler accompanied by her son, Lewis, and Mrs. George Goldsworthy of Yosemite left Tuolumne Meadows High Sierra Camp Monday on a two weeks pack trip into the northern part of the park, heading for the vicinity of Jack Main canyon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Searls with their daughter, Anne, and Miss Betty Boardman, were guests at the Ahwahnee for several days but the girls returned to town earlier this week. They spent most of their days horseback riding and their nights dancing on the outdoor platform of the hotel.
Mrs. Philip Farnsworth, Mrs. George Strietmann and Miss Frances Strietmann, all of Piedmont, have been recent visitors in the famous valley as well as Mrs. Dorothy Wright Leibes, who was traveling with a party of out-of-California friends,