taken from an article in The San Francisco Chronicle, August 22, 1932

Else Schilling Taken to Hospital from Trails of Mountains

A tortuous march against death in the mountain passes of Inyo county with Else Schilling. San Francisco heiress, grievously injured, urging on toiling stretcher bearers through deep canyons and over jagged peaks was revealed yesterday when she was taken to Stanford hospital.

Miss Schilling is a daughter of August Schilling, coffee magnate. Suffering from a fractured pelvis and other internal injuries, she was comparatively free from pain last night for the first time since Wednesday noon, when her horse stumbled and threw her fifty feet from a trail in the Mount Whitney country. And physicians expressed the belief she will recover.


The accident occurred at an elevation of 10,000 feet in the high Sierra above Glenn Pass. Neither her companion, Miss Rosalee Venable, 1445 Greenwich street, nor the Mexican packers and guides witnessed it.

Miss Schilling’s mount had lagged behind and when moments later it galloped riderless up to the main party. Miss Venable was panic stricken. The party back trailed and found Miss Schilling unconscious on a bed of rocks.


They had with them only a crude first aid kit containing nothing to alleviate pain. But with blankets and poles they improvised a stretcher and began a perilous descent to Independence.

For thirteen and one half hours they carried the stretcher in relays through lonely underpasses, ever seldom used trails, across rocky terrain. Miss Schilling recovered consciousness and her companions later told of her fortitude in urging them on while wrecked with pain.

Forest rangers came on them in the fourth hour. And while two of them went on ahead to telephone to Independence for aid, the others remained to relieve the exhausted stretcher bearers. From Independence more volunteers headed by Dr. B. E. Nichols went out.

Dr. Walter Schilling, brother of Miss Schilling, and Dr. L Roscoe Chandler had meanwhile, gone from San Francisco with an ambulance. From Independence Miss Schilling was taken to Bakersfield and thence to San Francisco.